Physics is all around us. We use Physics on day to day basis. An ancient and vast field of science, Physics encompasses studies about the gigantic bodies such as the stars and planets and smallest bodies such as atoms and electrons. Physics is a fundamental science where physicists study matter, its motion and behaviour through […]
It’s the 21st century. A lot of things have changed; people have started believing in breaking the rustic orthodox mentality over the work culture. Taking up an offbeat career is no more an audacious act. The unorthodox career option let you choose your passion over the old bracketed bounds of career. Youngsters of today’s are […]
Department of Physics has departmental library for UG and PG students.
No. of books in the library = 261
PHYL-79 Awards
Department of Physics gives the award to the best all-round, out going student. The activity was started by 1979 Physics batch and Prof. Lagu, the Head of the Department at that time. Well known personalities in the Physics are invited to deliver inspiring lecture and to hand over the prize to the selected student.
Other Prizes
Shri. S. N. Pawar Prize and Late Shri. Balkrishna Ogale Prize for the students who secures first and second rank in T.Y.B.Sc.
Physics Association
Several Activities like Lectures by prominent personalities, quiz competitions, poster competitions, celebration of National Science Day are carried out for students by the teachers of the department.
To bring out the hidden talent of the students and ensure the overall development of the students, department organizes an event every year. This is the platform for the students to express their talent. They also carry out social work during the event.
Physics Association Inauguration Program of AY 2024-2025 on 07/08/2024
PHYL-79 Award Function : February-2024
Physics Association Program of AY 2023-2024 on 07/02/2024
Physics Association Inauguration Program of AY 2023-2024 on 15/09/2023
PG students of Department of Physics visited at Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad on 17/02/2023
Physics Association Program on 22/11/2022
PHYL-79 Award Function : April-2022
Physics Association Program : April-2022
Inauguration of Physics Association -2021
Alumni Meet 2019 - On the occasion of Silver Jubilee of PG section
Industrial Visit
Physics Association
No. of Laboratories = 4
Equipment in Department of Physics
Digital Furnace (~1200oc) - 3
Hydraulic Press (~10 Ton)
Ball Mill
Digital Balance - 4
Faraday's Susceptibility Measurement Apparatus
Spray Pyrolysis System
Gas Sensing System
Distillation Plant
Microwave oven
Hysteresis Loop Tracer
Centrifuge -2
pH Meter - 4
Lasers With Various Powers (3mw, 5mw, 10mw, 5-35mw Variable)
Spin Coating System - 2
UV Cabinet
Magnetic stirrer - 6
Zeeman Effect Apparatus
Michelson Interferometer
G. M. Counter – 2
Four probe Apparatus
Hall effect Apparatus
Digital Oscilloscope
CRO -8
Power Supplies - 10
Signal Generators - 5
Platinum Resistance Thermometer - 2
LCD Projector – 2
Computers – 23
Printers - 6
Area of Interest:Thin and thick films, Gas and Humidity sensing, Green Chemistry, Ferrites, Oxides, Computational Physics
No. of Research Guides = 06 1) Prof.(Dr.) S.M. Bhagwat 2) Prof.(Dr.) S.M. Rathod 3) Dr. B. J. Patil 4) Dr. V.N. Dhage 5) Dr. S.V. Gaikwad 6) Dr. R.S. Patil
Ph.D. awarded from the center = 04
Completed Major Research Projects = 03
Completed Minor Research Projects = 06
Total amount received = Rs. 50 lac
Publications of the department in the last three years