Department Of Mathematics

"Small minds discuss persons, Average minds discuss events, Great minds discuss ideas. Really great minds discuss mathematics.""Maths : King of Arts, Queen of Science"The department of mathematics was established in 1945. During the years 1945 – 2005 the strong personalities namely Prof. M. N. Bhat, Prof. V. S. Athavale, Prof. M. G. Garud, Prof. G. R. Mangsuli, Prof. V. D. Shetty, Prof. Mrs. S. S. Agashe, Prof. Mrs. Sushma Kulkarni contributed a lot to the department.Presently Dr. Anil Khairnar is working as the head of the department. Dr. Anil Khairnar awarded "Gold medal" in M.Sc. and "Young Scientist award of the year 2012" from the University of Pune.The faculties are highly qualified and are dedicated to their subjects giving friendly environment for the students. The department always aims to develop skills, ideas and overall progress of the students. Many of our students participate and get awards in various activities like MTTS program, Madhava Mathematics competitions and other competitive exams. The environment of the department is very friendly which is useful for the students coming from other colleges also.The department offers the B.Sc. Mathematics and M.Sc. Mathematics courses.
Prof. (Dr.) Anil Khairnar (Dept Head)M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D., NET, GATE21 yearsView
Mr Krishnat  MasalkarM.Sc., NET, SET19 yearsView
Dr. Lata KambleM.Sc., M.Phil, Ph. D., NET18 yearsView
Mrs. Anita Lande (Watekar)M.Sc., NET, SET18 yearsView
Mr. Prashant PiseM.Sc., NET, SET4 yearsView
Staff Details
Harsh Bhilare, Pratik Vyavhare (T.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics), and Janhavi Kshirsagar (F.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics) students of MES Abasaheb Garware College have won the best research paper award under the VIVIBHA - VISION FOR VIKASIT BHARAT (State level research paper presentation) and have been selected for the national level research paper presentation at Delhi.Harsh Bhilare wrote the research paper on "The Modern Ancient Indian Mathematics". Pratik Vyavhare wrote the research paper on " Mathematical Structures and Applications of Shastras". And Janhavi Kshirsagar wrote the research paper on "From Equation To Expression: The Roll of Mathematics In Kathak". Apurva Apte a student of our Department participated in zonal level research competition “AVISHKAR 2014” for UG held at Abasaheb Garware College, Pune. She presented a poster on Golden Ratio, Applications of Fibonacci sequence.She has written and directed drama “Ek Prayog” based on story “Ujavya Sondecha Ganpati” written by Dr. Jayant Naralikar. The drama was performed by students of Mathematics department on 24th December 2014.Sonia Mali has participated in group dance competition organized by MIT, Pune on 12th Dec 2014.Four students Manojkumar Jamdade, Pankaj Gaur, Sushila Suthar, Asmita Ghadage qualified IIT-JAM examination Feb 2014.Sushila Suthar (T. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics): -
  • She got 3rd rank in B.Sc. exam 2014 of Pune University.
  • Also she got 2nd rank in T. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics exam 2014 in Pune University.
  • She got a prize from MES for securing highest marks in the institutions of society in T. Y. B. A. / B. Com. / B. Sc. Exam.
Dr. Pratima Hebbar:-
  • Pursued Ph.D. from Meryland University and currently working as Griffiths Assistant Research Professor, Department of Mathematics, Duke University, US.
  • She got 3rd rank in B.Sc. exam 2012 of Pune University.
  • Also she got 1st rank in T. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics exam 2012 in Pune University.
  • She got a prize from MES for securing highest marks in the institutions of society in T. Y. B. A. / B. Com. / B. Sc. Exam.
  • She got a prize for securing highest marks in Mathematics from “Ganit Adhyayan Adhyapan Vikasan Sanstha, Nashik”.
  • Won cheer prize in Madhava Mathematics Competition held on 9th Jan 2011organized by S. P. College and TIFR Mumbai. She is the first girl student who received this award.
  • Attended Madhava summer camp held at Bhaskarachyarya Pratishthan, Pune from 7th May 2011 to 15th may 2011.
  • Got all India 6th rank in IIT JAM exam (2012).
  • Qualified for the Integrated Ph.D. programme in Mathematics at TIFR, Banglore (2012).
Dr. Amit Kuber student of our department got 1st rank in B. Sc mathematics and 2nd rank in B.Sc exam held in April 2008. Also he stood first in the M. Sc entrance exam-2008 conducted by Department of Mathematics University of Pune. Got 1st rank in M.Sc. Mathematics. He had done course of MASt- Master of Advanced studies from Cambridge University. He has completed his Ph. D. in Manchester University, U.K. currently working as a faculty in IIT Kanpur.Dr.  Piyush Shroff student of our department pursued Ph.D from USA (Texas University, Dallas). Currently working as Senior lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Texas State University, USA.Dr. Amey Deshpande stood first in the M. Sc. entrance exam-2009 conducted by Department Mathematics, University of Pune. Awarded Ph. D. from SPPU.Manojkumar Jamdade (T. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics)
  • Completed MSc (Mathematics) from IIT Madras. Qualified NET exam.
  • Selected for an interview in TIFR Bangalore for Integrated Ph.D. through written test TIFR GS-2014.
Deepak Bakal (T. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics)
  • Qualified IIT-JAM exam and written test of central university and got admission for M. Sc. in Central university of Hydrabad.
  • Qualified NET exam.
  • Pursuing Ph.D. from SPPU.
  • Akash Burgute: Stood first in B. Sc. / B. A. examination Apr/May 2016 in our College.
  • Three students Akash Burgute (94.66%), Sheetal Phawade (94%),  Rushika Kinjawadekar (93.66%) got more than 90% marks.
  • 8 students from our department participated in MAAP Quiz competition organized by Prof. Ramkrishna More College, Akurdi on the occasion of National Mathematics Day 22 December 2017. One of our team won second prize in this competition.
  • 12 students from our department participated in Quiz competition and 8 students participated in Puzzle competition organized by Poona College, Pune held on 13 January 2018. Our team won first prize in puzzle competition and runner up in quiz competition.
  • Pratik Deshpande (TYBSc Maths) and Aditya Mutadak (SYBSc) won first prize (Rs. 5000) in state level quiz competition organized by Poona College.
  • Rutvik Phatak and Akansha Dixit received consolation prize in seminar competition oraganized by Department of Mathematics SPPU.
  • Subhash Jadhav T.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics stood first in B.Sc./B.A. Examination March 2019 among all students of our College.
  • Bhavesh Padwal (T.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics 2020-21) stood first in B.Sc. degree examination in April 2021 and received Abasaheb Garware memorial award for securing the highest marks in B.Sc. degree.
  • One student of M.Sc. (II) Mathematics is selected in three company’s viz. TCS, Wipro, and Infosys.
  • Three students of M.Sc. (II) Mathematics get placed in Aashai Technologies through campus interviews.
  • Two students from SYBSc Ajinkya Naik and Aditya Kadam won first and third prize respectively in Essay competition conducted by Shrimati Vimlaben Khimaji Tejookaya Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Deolali Camp, Nashik.
  • Vaibhav Sutar from TYBSc Mathematics won first in the mathematics Hidden Poster competition conducted by Shrimati Vimlaben Khimaji Tejookaya Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Deolali Camp, Nashik.

M.T. &T.S Programme: - Mathematics Training and Talent Search Programme

M.T. &T.S Programme is training program with the aim to expose young minds to the excitement of doing Mathematics and enabling them to have meaningful career in Mathematics should start at an early stage perhaps at B.Sc. level itself . It is by revjet" href=""> funded by NBHM. This program is conducted by highly qualified interested professors in India.The following students of our department are selected and attended M.T. &T.S. programme:1. Pratima Hebbar (T.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics):-
  • Participated in Level '0' MTTS programme held at Shantiniketan during 24th May to 19th June 2010.
  • Participated in Level 'I' MTTS programme held at I.C.T. Mumbai during 23rd May to 18th June 2011.
  • Participated in Level 'II' MTTS programme held at IIT Kanpur during 21st May to 16th June 2012.
2. Rajendra Pednekar (S.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics):-
  • Participated in Level '0' MTTS programme held at IIT Kanpur during 21st May to 16th June 2012.
3. Ankit Javeri (S.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics):-
  • Participated in Level '0' MTTS programme held at IIT Guwahati during 14th May to 9th June 2012.
4. Pravin Barbole (S.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics):-
  • Participated in Level '0' MTTS programme held at IIT Guwahati during 14th May to 9th June 2012.
5. Sushila Suthar (T. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics)
  • Attended “Mathematical Training and Talent Search Program” of level ‘0’ held at SVNIT Surat in May-June 2013.
6. Chalgeri Vidya (T. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics)
  • Attended “Mathematical Training and Talent Search Program” of level ‘1’ held at SVNIT Surat in May-June 2013.
7. Kshitija Phalke (S. Y. B. Sc) attended “Mathematical Training and Talent Search Program” of level ‘0’ held at Mysore from 19th May to 14th June 2014. 8. Deepak Bakal and Dhiraj Patil (T.Y.B.Sc) attended Training Program in Mathematics, at NISER Bhuvaneshwar May 2015.9. Dhiraj Patil : Attended TPM training program in mathematics held at NISER, Bhubaneshwar during May 2015.10. Deepak Bakal: Attended TPM training program in mathematics held at NISER, Bhubaneshwar in May 2015.Attended mini MTTS at Belgavi, Rani Chanamma University in Nov 2015.11. Vidhi Ketkar : Participated in Winter School in Mathematics held at Central University of Tamilnadu,Thiruvarur from 16th Dec to 27th Dec 2015 12. Vidhi Ketkar: Participated in Mathematical Training and Talent Search (MT&TS) program level ‘0’ held at IIT Madras from 23rd May to 18th June 2016.13. Gauri Joshi: Participated in Mini MT&TS program held at Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai from 11th  to 16th April 2016.14. Aniket Kale: 1) Participated in mini-Mathematical Training and Talent Search (MT&TS) programme held at Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai from April 10 – 15, 2017.2) Participated in Summer Programme in Mathematics held at S. P. College, Pune from June 1 – 10, 2017.3) Participated in Summer Outreach programme in Mathematics -2017 held at National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneshwar from June 19 – July 1, 2017.15. Kedar Telang:1) Participated in mini-Mathematical Training and Talent Search (MT&TS) programme held at Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai from April 10 – 15, 2017.2) Participated in Summer Programme in Mathematics held at S. P. College, Pune from June 1 – 10, 2017.16. Shubham Ghodke and Rishabh Pande from S.Y.B.Sc have attended mini MTTS program in Nov 2018 held at Bhaskarachyarya Pratishthan17.  Shubham Ghodke and Rishabh Pande from T.Y.B.Sc have attended mini MTTS program in Nov 2019 held at Bhaskarachyarya Pratishthan, Pune.18. Jayshree Chavan and Akansha Dixit from S.Y.B.Sc. attended mini MTTS Programme in December 2019.

Mathematics Association Inauguration 2024-25:

Department of Mathematics Inaugurated Mathematics Association on 30th July 2024 by organizing a guest lecture of Dr. Preetam Selmokar (College of Engineering Pune) on, “ Shodh Anand Shala: Research paper writing workshop”.  The objective of this lecture is to understand the purpose of writing research paper. Dr. Preetam gave information about research topics, how to write research paper, etc. Mr. Ashwiniji, Mr. Ashishji from Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal were present for this program. Mr. Ashwiniji gave an information about vision of Viksit Bharat.

Mathematics Day celebration

On the occasion of National Mathematics Day, Department of Mathematics organized a guest lecture on 21st December 2024 by Dr. Pratima Hebbar (Grinnell College, US). Dr. Pratima Hebbar is alumni of our college.  She has delivered a very interesting lecture on “Modeling Animal Movement Using Random Walks”. She also guided to the students about the research project.

Guest Lecture :

Department of Mathematics organized a guest lecture on 1st October 2024 by Mr. Subhash Pol from Edwise foundation. He has given information on various scholarships for the education in abroadDepartment of Mathematics organized a guest lecture on 0n 3rd September 2024 by Prof. Pramod Joag (Former Professor in Physics, SPPU) in association with IAIAM (Indian Academy of Industrial and Applicable Mathematics).  Sir has delivered a very interesting lecture on Quantum Computing. Prof. S. A. Katre, President, IAIAM and Prof Ravi Kulkarni (Bhaskarachyarya Pratishthan) were present for the lecture.

Department of Mathematics organized a guest lecture on 8th October 2024 by Dr. Smita Kandekar from Department of Mathematics, SPPU. She interacted with the students on the topic, “Where the Mathematics stands in Industry?”. She has also given the information about the software courses which are helpful to students for getting placements in IT industries.

Guest lectures on various topics are arranged for the students every year.

  • Dr. V. V. Acharya from Fergusson College has delieverd a guest lecture on 24th Dec 2010 on the topic matrices.
  • Mr. Amit Kuber has delivered a guest lecture on 23rd July 2011on the topic "Chains and Antichains". He is past student of our department (2007-2008). He secured second rank in T. Y. B. Sc. University exam held in April 2008 and first rank in mathematics in same exam. He has completed a course in pure mathematics namely Master in Advanced Studies from University of Cambridge. Presently he is doing PhD in Manchester.
  • M r. M. Prakash has delivered a lecture on 22nd July 2011 on career in Mathematics.
  • Ms. Pratima Hebbar has delivered a guest lecture on 12th July 2012on the topic "Careers in research institutes of Mathematics".
  • A representative from Geebee Education Pvt. Ltd. delivered a guest lecture on 7th Aug 2012 on the topic "Overseas Education in Mathematics"
  • Prof. Pamod Shinde from N. Wadia College has delivered a guest lecture on 17th Sep 2013 on the topic "Set Theory and Logic".
  • Prof. S. S. Munot from Ahmadnagar College has delivered a guest lecture on 29th Sep 2013 on the topic "Operation Research".
  • Mr. Tanmay Chandressa from eSolve Knowledge Service Pvt. Ltd. has delivered a guest lecture on 21st Dec 2013 on the topic "Career Opportunities in Online tutoring". Also he was the chief guest for the prize distribution for activities organized on Mathematics day.
  • Dr. Rajendra Deodhar from ARDE, DRDO, Pune, has delivered a guest lecture on 27th June 2014 on the topic “Applications of Mathematics”.
  • S. S. Mane (Modern College, Shivajinagar) delivered an interesting lecture on the topic “Real Analysis.”
  • Ganesh Kadu (Department of Mathematics SPPU) delivered an interesting lecture on the topic “Linear Algebra.”
  • Rahul Kitture (Bhaskaracharya Pratishthan) delievered lecture on the topic “Group theory.”
  • Dilip Sheth (Principal S. P. College) delivered lecture on the topic “Fun in Mathematics” on the occasion of Mathematics Day 22nd December 2017.
  • Anatnarayan Hariharan (IIT Bombay) delivered lecture on the topic “Topics in Basic Mathematics” on 7th December 2016.
  • Jayant Khedkar delivered lecture on the topic “Solutions of Diophantine equations by Indian Mathematicians” on 17th January 2017.
  • Tanmay Chandressa (e-solve) delivered lecture on the topic “Career Opportunities in e-learning.”
  • Friedrich Wehrung from Universite de Caen, France delivered lecture on the topic “Hidden Identities” on the occasion of Mathematics Day 22nd December 2017. Also, he was chief guest for the prize distribution for the students.
  • Y. M. Borse from SPPU delivered lecture on the topic “Applications of Mathematics” on 28 September 2017.
  • A lecture series in Mathematics was held from 25th Sep to 29th Sep 2018 for S.Y.B.Sc and T.Y.B.Sc students. Total 10 lectures were delivered by five faculties from Modern College, S. P. College and Wadia College. Various topics in Metric Spaces, Real Analysis, Group theory, Ordinary differential equations and Number theory were discussed during this lecture series.
  • Amit Kuber from IIT Kanpur delivered lecture on the topic “Rational Numbers” on 21st December 2018.
  • Sameer Chavan from IIT Kanpur delivered lecture on the topic “Rational Numbers” on 22nd December 2018.
  • We have Mathematics Association. Inauguration of Mathematics Association was held on 4th September 2019 by the hands of our past student Dr. V. M. Sholapurkar (S.P. College, Pune). He delivered a lecture on Calculus.
  • Santosh Dhotre (SPPU, Pune) delivered a lecture on 22nd December 2019 on the topic “Think Without Ink”.
2020-21:National Webinar:
  • Pratima Hebbar (Duke University, US) delivered online national webinar on 5th October 2020 on the topic “Galton-Watson Processes”.
  • Piyush Shroff (Texas State University, USA) delivered online national webinar on 13th October 2020 on the topic “Hyperbolic Functions”.
  • Online Inauguration of Mathematics association was held on Monday, October 25, 2021. On this occasion we have organized a guest lecture by Dr. Sachinkumar Bhalekar, (Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad) on the topic “Analysis of Discrete Dynamical Systems”.
  • On the occasion of National Mathematics Day organized guest lecture of Prof. L. K. Gite (Scientist-F, DRDO, Pune) on the topic Mutations in Science on 22nd December 2021.
  • Organized guest lecture of Prof. (Dr.) V. M. Sholapurkar, S. P. College Pune on the topic Discontinuities of real functions on 26th April 2022.


From the academic year 2011-12 Department of Mathematics is providing a scholarship to economically backward student from T. Y .B. Sc. Mathematics class. The scholarship will be given from the staff members of Mathematics Department. The nature of the scholarship is Rs. 100/- per month for the period of July to April every year.
YearName of Student
2011-2012Dinesh Kute
2012-2013Ankit javeri
2013-2014Naushad Shaikh
2014-2015Akash Kalbhar
2015-2016Akash Burgute
2016-2017Aparna Wagh
2018-2019Poonam Lokhande
2019-2020Shubham Kakade
PrizesPrize of Rs. 1000/- for the student who stood first in T.Y.B.Sc Mathematics. Prize of Rs. 1000/- for the student securing highest marks in Mathematics at S.Y.B.Sc and had taken admission in T.Y.B.Sc Mathematics.
YearName of student
S. Y. B. ScT. Y .B. Sc.
2011-2012Pratima HebbarKanchan ukirde
2012-2013Ankit JaveriPratima Hebbar
2013-2014Sushila SutharShivratna Sakunde
2014-2015Rajesh GussainSushila Suthar
2015-2016Sheetal PhawadeKshitija Phalke
2016-2017Namrata DwivediAkash Burgute
2017-2018Aniket KaleNamrata Dwivedi
2018-2019Ketan KyadarAniket Kale
2019-2020Shubham GhodkeSubhash Jadhav
2020-2021Aditya MutadakShubham Ghodake
2021-2022Praveen ManeBhavesh Padwal

Mathematics Day

  • On the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of the great Indian Mathematician Shrinivas Ramanujan department of Mathematics celebrated 22nd Dec 2012 as Mathematics day. The various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition were organized for students.
  • Mathematics day was celebrated on 20th Dec 2013. The various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition were organized for students. Mr. Tanmay Chandressa from eSolve Knowledge Service Pvt. Ltd. was guest for prize distribution held on 21st Dec 2013.
  • Mathematicd day was celebrated on 20th Dec 2013. The various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition were organized for students. Mr. Tanmay Chandressa from eSolve Knowledge Service Pvt. Ltd. was guest for prize distribution held on 21st Dec 2013.
  • Mathematics day was celebrated on 22ndDec 2014. The various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model competition, Seminar competition were organized for students.
  • Most of the important activity of the department is Mathematics Day which was celebrated on 22th Dec 2015. The various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition were organized for students.
  • Most of the important activity of the department is Mathematics Day which was celebrated on 16th and 17th Jan 2017. The various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Free hand drawing, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition, Antakshari Competition, treasure hunt were organized for students.
  • Most of the important activity of the department is Mathematics Day which was celebrated on18, 19, 22 December 2017. The various activities like the quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition, were organized for students.
  • Most of the important activity of the department is Mathematics Day which was celebrated on 21st and 22nd December 2018. We have organized two guest lectures for the students of Mathematics. A lecture by our past student Dr. Amit Kuber (Faculty of Mathematics in IIT Kanpur) was organized on 21st December 2018. On 22nd December 2018, we have inaugurated Mathematics association by hands of our Principal Prof. P. B. Buchade. On this occasion Dr. Sameer Chavan from IIT Kanpur delivered a lecture on the topic ‘Rational Numbers’. Prerana Jain a student of S.Y.B.Sc talked on the contribution of the Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics.
  • Under Mathematics Association we have organized various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition etc. on 24th and 25th January 2019.
  • Most of the important activity of the department is Mathematics Day which was celebrated on 21st and 22nd January 2020. On the occasion of National Mathematics Day we have organized a guest lecture by Dr. Santosh Dhotre (SPPU, Pune) on the topic “Think Without Ink”.
  • Under Mathematics Association we have organized various activities like quiz competition, Rangoli competition, Poster/Model Competition, Seminar Competition etc.
  • On the occasion of National Mathematics Day Mr. K. D. Masalkar from our department delivered online lecture on 22nd December 2020 on the topic “Variational Principle and its applications”.
2021-22 :
  • Department has organized various competitions on the occasion of Mathematics Day. In this, we have organized a Quiz competition, Seminar competition, and Poster/Model competition for the students from 11th Science to M.Sc. Mathematics.

Every year trip is arranged for the T.Y.B.Sc mathematics students.

Other Activities:
  • In the memory of the great Indian Mathematician Dr. Shriram Abhyankar, department of Mathematics and Vijnan Bharati arranged a lecture of Dr. Rohini Godbole renowned scientists and professor at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, at Centre for High Energy Physics on 27th Dec 2012. Dr. Godbole delivered a very interesting lecture on the topic "We have found a new Boson, now what next". Dr. Pandit Vidyasagar was the chief guest for the program.
  •  Department of mathematics in collaboration with BOS in Mathematics has conducted a one day workshop on "Restructuring of S. Y. B. Sc., S. Y. B. Sc. (Comp. Sci.) and S. Y. B. A. Mathematics syllabi on 24th Dec 2013."
  • Remedial Teaching: Department has conducted remedial teaching for S. Y. and T. Y. B. Sc. students on various topics in Mathematics.
  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics jointly organized workshop on Mathematical and Statistical methods for M. Phil., PhD students of our college. From department of Mathematics two faculties Mr. K. D. Masalkar and Ms. Anita Watekar delivered lectures on some basic topics in Mathematics in February 2017.
  • Workshop: Organized a workshop on restructuring of S.Y.B.Sc./S.Y.B.A./S.Y.B.Sc. Comp. Sc./ M.Sc. II Mathematics Syllabi on 7th March 2020.
  • All staff members of the department guided to the children of ‘Apal Ghar’ NGO.
  • Certificate course on Mathematical Softwares:
  • Co-ordinator: Ms. Anita WatekarDepartment of Mathematics has successfully conducted “Certificate Course on Mathematical Softwares”.  There was very good response from students. We received more than 85 applications for this course. We have divided this course into two batches. Out of that first batch of 30 students was conducted in August – September 2019, second batch of 28 students was conducted in January – February 2020. Course duration was 30 hours with 8 hours practical sessions.
    • Conducted online quiz competition on the occasion of pi day.
    • Department of Mathematics organized online webinar series on the occasion of ‘pi day’ in July 2020. All staff members from the department delivered lectures on various topics in this webinar series.
    • Department of Mathematics has successfully conducted an online “Certificate Course on Mathematical Softwares” during October-November 2021. There were 90 registrations for this course. Students from F. Y. B.Sc., S. Y. B.Sc., T. Y. B.Sc. and M. Sc. participated in this course.  In this certificate course softwares Sage, Octave and Latex were introduced. Various experts viz.  (Dr) Satish Annigeri  (School of Civil Engineering, KLE Technological University, Hubballi), Shweta Ramesh (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai),  Prof. Siddharth Bhalerao (Oneirix Engineering Labs ), etc. delivered lectures in this certificate course. Co-ordinator for this certificate course was Dr. Lata Kadam.
    • Department of Mathematics had organized online Alumni meet on 27th January 2022. More than 40 alumni from different fields were present for the event. Dr. Pratima Hebbar (Duke University US0, Dr. Amit Kuber (IIT Kanpur), Sudarshan Shinde (Software Developer), Kedar Telang, Gauri Joshi and others also gave their input about the activities for strengthening student capability.

BSc (Mathematics)

Certificate course30

Mathematics Association Inauguration :


Faculty Achievements

Guest Lecture

Platinum Jubilee Year 2019-20

Prize Distribution



Alumni Meet


Alumni of Mathematics Department

Name of AlumniOccupation
Adv. Ashwini GhatnekarAdvocate
Mrs. Sushma KulkarniEx. Head, Dept. Maths, AGC
Dr. Arvind ThatteClassical Musician
Dr. V. M.  SholapurkarPrincipal (Off) S.P. College
Mr. C. S. NimkarFaculty Wadia College
Mr. NanajkarFaculty Fergusson College
Dr. Piyush ShroffFaculty Texas University
Dr. Sameer ChavanFaculty IIT Kanpur
Dr. Amit KuberFaculty IIT Kanpur
Dr.Pratima HebbarFaculty Duke University
Mr. Katikar ParikshitSoftware developer
Dr. Lata KadamFaculty Abasaheb Garware College
Ms. Maithili PingaleBusiness Intelligence Analyst, Conduent business Services, Hydrabad

Area of interest:

  • Algebra :
    • Rings with Involution
    • Rickart * rings
    • p.q. –Baer *-rings
    • Generalizations of Baer rings.
  • Graph Theory :
    • Zero divisor Graph of Algebraic structures
    • Zero divisor graph of * rings
    • Zero divisor graph of poset
    • Zero divisor graph of lattices
    • Hypergraphs
    • Self-complementary hypergraphs
  • Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations:
    • Bifurcations in Smooth and Piecewise smooth Dynamical Systems
    • Normal forms
    • Limit cycle bifurcation

Publications of the department in the last five years:

  • National and International Journal: 22
  • Paper presented in Conferences: 6
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